
Golf Etiquette: Dos and Don'ts on the Course

Here’s a comprehensive guide to the dos and don’ts of golf etiquette.

Bruno E.

Golf Journalist

Golf Etiquette: Dos and Don'ts on the Course

Golf is not just a game of skill and strategy; it’s also a sport deeply rooted in tradition and respect. Understanding and practicing proper golf etiquette is essential for maintaining the integrity of the game and ensuring an enjoyable experience for everyone on the course. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the dos and don’ts of golf etiquette.

Do: Arrive Early

Punctuality is a fundamental aspect of golf etiquette. Arriving at the course at least 15 minutes before your tee time shows respect for your fellow players and ensures a smooth start to your round.

Why It’s Important:
Arriving early allows you time to check in, warm up, and be ready to tee off on time, preventing delays for others.

Pro Tip:
Use this time to practice your putting, stretch, and get familiar with the course conditions.

Do: Repair Divots and Ball Marks

Taking care of the course is crucial. Always repair any divots you make on the fairway and ball marks on the green.

Why It’s Important:
Repairing divots and ball marks helps maintain the course’s condition and ensures a better experience for all players.

Pro Tip:
Carry a divot repair tool and use it to fix any marks you see, even if they’re not yours.

Do: Keep Pace

Playing at a steady pace is essential for keeping the game enjoyable for everyone. Be mindful of your speed of play and keep up with the group ahead of you.

Why It’s Important:
Slow play can frustrate other players and lead to longer rounds for everyone.

Pro Tip:
If you’re falling behind, let faster groups play through to maintain the overall pace of play.

Don’t: Talk During Swings

Silence is golden when someone is preparing to hit their shot. Avoid talking or making distracting noises when a player is addressing the ball.

Why It’s Important:
Concentration is key in golf, and even small distractions can disrupt a player’s focus.

Pro Tip:
Stand still and remain quiet until the shot is complete. A good rule of thumb is to wait until you hear the ball being struck before moving or speaking.

Don’t: Neglect Safety

Safety should always be a priority on the golf course. Be aware of your surroundings and avoid hitting until you’re sure the group ahead is out of range.

Why It’s Important:

Golf balls can cause serious injuries, and ensuring a safe distance helps prevent accidents.

Pro Tip:

Yell “Fore!” if your ball is heading toward another player to alert them of potential danger.

Don’t: Ignore the Dress Code

Many golf courses have specific dress codes. Adhering to these guidelines shows respect for the course and its traditions.

Why It’s Important:

Dress codes help maintain the decorum and professionalism of the sport.

Pro Tip:

Check the course’s dress code in advance and ensure you’re appropriately attired. Typically, this means collared shirts, golf slacks or shorts, and proper golf shoes.

Pro Tip:
Always pick up your trash and dispose of it properly. Respect any local rules or guidelines provided by the course staff.


Practicing proper golf etiquette is essential for preserving the spirit and enjoyment of the game. By following these dos and don’ts, you contribute to a positive experience for yourself and others on the course. Remember, golf is not just about the score—it’s about respect, tradition, and camaraderie. Play well and play with respect!

Practicing proper golf etiquette is essential for preserving the spirit and enjoyment of the game. By following these dos and don’ts, you contribute to a positive experience for yourself and others on the course. Remember, golf is not just about the score—it’s about respect, tradition, and camaraderie. Play well and play with respect!

Practicing proper golf etiquette is essential for preserving the spirit and enjoyment of the game. By following these dos and don’ts, you contribute to a positive experience for yourself and others on the course. Remember, golf is not just about the score—it’s about respect, tradition, and camaraderie. Play well and play with respect!


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